By : June 30th, 2021 Legal 0 Comments

Privacy Policy

Legal notices of the Camping Haute Corse site

Privacy Policy


Client: any professional or capable natural person within the meaning of articles 1123 et seq. of the Civil Code, or legal entity, who visits the Site subject to these general conditions.
Benefits and Services: provides Customers with:

Content: All the elements constituting the information present on the Site, in particular texts – images – videos.

Customer information: Hereinafter referred to as “Information(s)” which correspond to all personal data likely to be held by Campings Haute Corse for the management of your account, customer relationship management and for marketing purposes. analyzes and statistics.

User: Internet user connecting, using the above-mentioned site.

Personal information: “Information which allows, in any form whatsoever, directly or indirectly, the identification of the natural persons to whom it applies” (article 4 of law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978).

The terms “personal data”, “data subject”, “subcontractor” and “sensitive data” have the meaning defined by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR: n° 2016-679)

1. Presentation of the website.

Under Article 6 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, users of the website are informed the identity of the various stakeholders in the context of its implementation and monitoring:

Owner: SARL Merendella Share capital of €7,622.45

VAT number: FR94412664864 – Moriani Plage 20230 San-Nicolao

Publication manager: François Fratellia – [email protected]
The publication manager is a natural person or a legal entity.

Webmaster : Opale Corse Edouard Scicolone – [email protected]
Referencing : Refaudit Patrice Carrel – [email protected]
Host: Systemil – 128 rue la Boetie 75008 Paris 8 02 34 46 00 43
Data Protection Officer: François Fratellia – [email protected]

2. General conditions of use of the site and the services offered.

The Site constitutes an intellectual work protected by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code and applicable International Regulations.
The Client may not in any way reuse, transfer or exploit for its own account all or part of the elements or works of the Site.

Use of the site implies full acceptance of the general conditions of use described below. These conditions of use may be modified or supplemented at any time, users of the site are therefore invited to consult them regularly.

This website is normally accessible to users at any time. An interruption for reasons of technical maintenance may however be decided by, which will then endeavor to communicate to users in advance the dates and times of the intervention.
The website is updated regularly by responsible. In the same way, the legal notices can be modified at any time: they are nevertheless binding on the user who is invited to refer to them as often as possible in order to read them.

3. Description of services provided.

The website aims to provide information concerning all of the company’s activities. strives to provide information as accurate as possible on the site However, it cannot be held responsible for omissions, inaccuracies and deficiencies in the update, whether due to itself or the third party partners who provide this information.

All information indicated on the site is given for information purposes only, and is subject to change.information. Furthermore, the information on the site is not exhaustive. They are given subject to modifications having been made since they were put online.

4. Contractual limitations on technical data.

The site uses JavaScript technology.

The website cannot be held responsible for material damage linked to the use of the site. In addition, the user of the site undertakes to access the site using recent equipment, not containing viruses and with an updated latest generation browser.
The site is hosted by a service provider on the territory of the European Union in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR: n° 2016-679)

The objective is to provide a service that ensures the best rate of accessibility. The host ensures the continuity of its service 24 hours a day, every day of the year. It nevertheless reserves the right to interrupt the hosting service for the shortest possible periods, in particular for maintenance purposes, improvement of its infrastructures, failure of its infrastructures or if the Services generate reputable traffic. unnatural. and the host cannot be held responsible in the event of a malfunction of the Internet network, telephone lines or computer and telephone equipment linked in particular to network congestion preventing access to the server.

5. Intellectual Property and Counterfeiting. is the owner of the intellectual property rights and holds the usage rights on all elements accessible on the website, in particular texts, images, graphics, logos, videos, icons and sounds.
Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of the elements of the site, whatever the means or process used, is prohibited without prior written permission from: https://www.camping-haute-corse. com/.

Any unauthorized use of the site or any of the elements it contains will be considered as constituting an infringement and prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.

6. Limitations of Liability. acts as publisher of the site. is responsible for the quality and veracity of the Content it publishes. cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damage caused to the user’s equipment when accessing the website., and resulting either from the use of equipment that does not meet the specifications indicated in point 4, or from the appearance of a bug or incompatibility. cannot also be held responsible for indirect damage (such as loss of market or loss of opportunity) resulting from the use of the site
Interactive spaces (possibility of asking questions in the contact area) are available to users. reserves the right to delete, without prior notice, any content posted in this space which contravenes the legislation applicable in France, in particular the provisions relating to protection Datas. Where applicable, also reserves the possibility of calling into question the civil and/or criminal liability of the user, particularly in the event of a message of a racist, offensive, defamatory, or pornographic, whatever the medium used (text, photography, etc.).

7. Management of personal data.

The Customer is informed of the regulations concerning marketing communication, the law of June 21, 2014 for confidence in the Digital Economy, the Data Protection and Freedom Law of August 6, 2004 as well as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR: n° 2016-679).

7.1 Persons responsible for collecting personal data

For Personal Data collected as part of the creation of the User’s personal account and their navigation on the Site, the person responsible for processing Personal Data is: Camping Merendella. is represented by François FRATELLIA, its legal representative

As responsible for processing the data it collects, undertakes to respect the framework of the legal provisions in force. It is in particular up to the Client to establish the purposes of its data processing, to provide its prospects and clients, from the collection of their consents, with complete information on the processing of their personal data and to maintain a register of treatments consistent with reality.

Each time processes Personal Data, takes all reasonable measures to ensure the accuracy and the relevance of Personal Data with regard to the purposes for which processes them.

7.2 Purpose of the data collected may process all or part of the data:

  • to enable navigation on the Site and the management and traceability of services ordered by the user: connection and use of the Site data, invoicing, order history, etc.
  • to prevent and combat computer fraud (spamming, hacking, etc.): computer equipment used for browsing, IP address, password (hashed)
  • to improve navigation on the Site: connection and usage data
  • to conduct optional satisfaction surveys on email address
  • to carry out communication campaigns (sms, email): telephone number, email address does not sell your personal data which is therefore only used out of necessity or for statistical and analysis purposes.

7.3 Right of access, rectification and opposition

In accordance with current European regulations, Users of have the following rights:

  • right of access (article 15 GDPR) and rectification (article 16 GDPR), updating, completeness of User data, right to lock or erase User data of a personal nature (article 17 GDPR), when they are inaccurate, incomplete, equivocal, out of date, or the collection, use, communication or retention of which is prohibited
  • right to withdraw consent at any time (article 13-2c GDPR)
  • right to limit the processing of User data (article 18 GDPR)
  • right to object to the processing of User data (article 21 GDPR)
  • right to portability of the data that Users have provided, when this data is subject to automated processing based on their consent or on a contract (article 20 GDPR)
  • right to define the fate of Users’ data after their death and to choose to whom must communicate (or not) their data to a third party that they have previously designated

As soon as becomes aware of the death of a User and in the absence of instructions from them, undertakes to destroy its data, unless its retention proves necessary for evidentiary purposes or to meet a legal obligation.

If the User wishes to know how uses their Personal Data, ask to rectify them or opposes their processing, the User can contact in writing to the following address:

Camping Corsica Merendella – DPO, François Fratellia
Moriani plage 20230 San Nicolao Haute Corse: 04 95 38 53 47.

In this case, the User must indicate the Personal Data that he would like to correct, update or delete, by identifying himself precisely with a copy of a identity document (identity card or passport).

Requests for deletion of Personal Data will be subject to the obligations imposed on by law, in particular with regard to the conservation or archiving of documents. Finally, Users of can file a complaint with the supervisory authorities, and in particular the CNIL (

7.4 Non-communication of personal data undertakes not to process, host or transfer Information collected about its Customers to a country located outside the European Union or recognized as “inadequate” by the Commission European Union without first informing the customer. However, remains free to choose its technical and commercial subcontractors on the condition that they present sufficient guarantees with regard to the requirements of the General Regulations on the Protection of Data (GDPR: n° 2016-679). undertakes to take all necessary precautions to preserve the security of the Information and in particular to ensure that it is not communicated to unauthorized persons. However, if an incident impacting the integrity or confidentiality of the Client’s Information is brought to the attention of, it must inform the Client as soon as possible and communicate the corrective measures taken. Furthermore does not collect any “sensitive data”.

The User’s Personal Data may be processed by subsidiaries of and subcontractors (service providers), exclusively in order to achieve the purposes of this policy.

Within the limits of their respective responsibilities and for the purposes mentioned above, the main people likely to have access to the data of the Users of are mainly the agents of our service customer.

7.5 Types of data collected

Concerning users of a Site, we collect the following data which are essential for the operation of the service and which will be kept for a maximum period of 12 months after the end of the service. contractual relationship:
No, First name, Email, Postal address, Telephone also collects information that helps improve the user experience and offer contextualized advice:
Google Analytics

This data is kept for a maximum period of 6 months after the end of the contractual relationship

Privacy Policy Cookies

8. Incident notification

Regardless of efforts, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is completely secure. We cannot therefore guarantee absolute security.
If we become aware of a security breach, we will notify affected users so that they can take appropriate action. Our incident notification procedures take into account our legal obligations, whether at national or European level. We are committed to fully informing our customers of all matters relating to the security of their account and providing them with all information necessary to help them meet their own regulatory reporting obligations.

No personal information of the user of the site is published without the user’s knowledge, exchanged, transferred, assigned or sold on any medium to third parties. . Only the hypothesis of the repurchase of and its rights would allow the transmission of said information to the possible purchaser who would in turn be bound by the same obligation of conservation and modification of data regarding the user of the site


To ensure the security and confidentiality of Personal Data and Personal Health Data, uses networks protected by standard devices such as firewalls, pseudonymization, encryption and password.

When processing Personal Data, takes all reasonable measures to protect them against any loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction.

9. “Cookies” hypertext links and internet tags

The site contains a certain number of hypertext links to other sites, set up with the authorization of However, is not able to verify the content of the sites visited, and will therefore not assume any responsibility for this.

Unless you decide to disable cookies, you agree that the site can use them. You can deactivate these cookies at any time, free of charge, using the deactivation options offered to you and recalled below, knowing that this may reduce or prevent accessibility to all or part of the Services offered by the site.

9.1. « COOKIES »

A “cookie” is a small information file sent to the User’s browser and stored on the User’s terminal (e.g. computer, smartphone), (hereinafter “Cookies”). This file includes information such as the User’s domain name, the User’s Internet service provider, the User’s operating system, and the date and time of access. Cookies are in no way likely to damage the User’s terminal. may process the User’s information concerning their visit to the Site, such as the pages consulted and the searches carried out. This information allows to improve the content of the Site and the User’s navigation.

Cookies facilitate navigation and/or the provision of services offered by the Site, the User can configure his browser so that it allows him to decide whether or not he wishes to accept them so that Cookies are recorded in the terminal or, on the contrary, that they are rejected, either systematically or according to their issuer. The User can also configure their browser software so that the acceptance or refusal of Cookies is offered to them from time to time, before a Cookie is likely to be recorded in their terminal. informs the User that, in this case, it is possible that the functionalities of their navigation software are not all available.

If the User refuses the recording of Cookies in their terminal or browser, or if the User deletes those saved there, the User is informed that their navigation and experience on the Site may be limited. This could also be the case when or one of its service providers cannot recognize, for technical compatibility purposes, the type of browser used by the terminal, the language and display settings or the country from which the terminal appears to be connected to the Internet.

Where applicable, declines all responsibility for the consequences linked to the degraded functioning of the Site and any services offered by , resulting (i) refusal of Cookies by the User (ii) the impossibility for to record or consult the Cookies necessary for their operation due to the User’s choice. For the management of Cookies and User choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the browser’s help menu, which will allow you to know how the User can modify their wishes regarding Cookies.

At any time, the User can choose to express and modify their wishes regarding Cookies. may also use the services of external service providers to help it collect and process the information described in this section.

Finally, by clicking on the icons dedicated to the social networks Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Google Plus appearing on the Site or in its mobile application and if the User has accepted the deposit of cookies by continuing to browse the Website or the mobile application of, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Google Plus may also place cookies on your terminals (computer, tablet, mobile phone).

These types of cookies are only placed on your terminals if you consent to them, by continuing to browse the Website or the mobile application of At any time, the User can nevertheless revoke their consent to depositing this type of cookies.

Article 9.2. INTERNET TAGS may occasionally use web beacons (also known as “tags”, or action tags, single-pixel GIFs, transparent GIFs, invisible GIFs, and one-to-one GIFs) and deploy them through an analytics partner Web that may be located (and therefore store the corresponding information, including the User’s IP address) in a foreign country.

These tags are placed both in online advertisements allowing Internet users to access the Site, and on the various pages of the Site.

This technology allows to evaluate visitors’ responses to the Site and the effectiveness of its actions (for example, the number of times a page is opened and the information consulted), as well as the use of this Site by the User.

The external service provider may possibly collect information on visitors to the Site and other websites using these tags, and compile reports on the activity of the Site for the attention of https://www.camping-haute-corse. com/, and provide other services relating to the use thereof and of the Internet.

10. Applicable law and attribution of jurisdiction.

Any dispute relating to the use of the site is subject to French law.
Except in cases where the law does not permit it, exclusive jurisdiction is granted to the competent courts of Bastia.

By : December 3rd, 2020 Haute Corse 0 Comments

Map SiteMap campsites upper Corsica

SiteMap of the site. To access Campings Haute Corse on your Smartphone, scan the QR Code. For the sitemap of the blog pages or articles, click on the tabs below.

A sitemap is a representation of the architecture of a website which lists the resources offered, generally in hierarchical form. It is most often a web page which allows the Internet user to quickly access all the pages offered for reading…

[su_tabs style=”default” active=”1″ vertical=”no” mobile=”stack” anchor_in_url=”no” class=””] [su_tab title=”Camping Haute Corse on Smartphone” disabled anchor=”” url=”” target=”blank” class=””][su_qrcode data=”” title=”Upper Corsica campsites on your Smartphone” link=””][/su_tab] [su_tab title=”SiteMap of pages” disabled anchor=”” url=”” target=”blank” class=””][su_row class=””] [su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””]


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4x4 hike

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4x4 hike

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4x4 hike Balagne

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4x4 hike Bastia / Cap Corse

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4x4 hike Center Corsica

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4x4 hike Eastern Coast

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Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Animal Park / Botanical Garden

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Animal Park / Botanical Garden Balagne

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Animal Park / Botanical Garden Bastia / Cap Corse

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Animal Park / Botanical Garden Corsica Center

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Animal Park / Botanical Garden Eastern Coast

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Animal park / botanical garden on Corsican territory.

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Sorry, no posts found.

Art Balagne

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Art Bastia / Cap Corse

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Art Center Corsica

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Sorry, no posts found.

Balagne boat rental

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Balagne boat rental Subscription

Sorry, no posts found.

Balagne Boat Trip

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Balagne care

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Balagne Flying Boat

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Balagne hikes

Sorry, no posts found.

Balagne jet ski rental

Sorry, no posts found.

Balagne Museums / Sites

Sorry, no posts found.

Balagne pedal boat

Sorry, no posts found.

Balagne Playground

Sorry, no posts found.

Balagne Towed Buoy

Sorry, no posts found.

Balagne Treetop Treetop

Sorry, no posts found.

Bastia / Cap Corse pedal boat

Sorry, no posts found.

Bastia / Cap Corse Playground

Sorry, no posts found.

Bastia / Cap Corse treatments

Sorry, no posts found.

Bastia Basique

Sorry, no posts found.

Boat rental

Sorry, no posts found.

Boat rental Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Boat rental Corsica Center

Sorry, no posts found.

Boat rental Eastern Coast

Sorry, no posts found.

Boat trip

Sorry, no posts found.

Boat trip Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Boat trip in Corsica Center

Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Bungee jumping

Sorry, no posts found.

Bungee jumping Balagne

Sorry, no posts found.

Bungee jumping Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Bungee jumping Corsica Center

Sorry, no posts found.

Bungee jumping East Coast

Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Calvi Abonnement

Sorry, no posts found.

Calvi Basique

Sorry, no posts found.

Calvi, Balagne

Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Canyoning Balagne

Sorry, no posts found.

Canyoning Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Canyoning Center Corsica

Sorry, no posts found.

Canyoning Côte Orientale Abonnement

Sorry, no posts found.

Canyoning Eastern Coast

Sorry, no posts found.

Cap Corse Basique


Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Climbing Balagne

Sorry, no posts found.

Climbing Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Climbing Center Corsica

Sorry, no posts found.

Climbing East Coast

Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Corsica Center Care

Sorry, no posts found.

Corsican Center

Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Corte Basique

Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Diving Balagne

Sorry, no posts found.

Diving Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Diving Center Corsica

Sorry, no posts found.

Diving Eastern Coast

Sorry, no posts found.

East Coast Art

Sorry, no posts found.

East Coast Treatments

Sorry, no posts found.

Eastern Coast

Sorry, no posts found.

Eastern Coast Boat Trip

Sorry, no posts found.

Eastern Coast Hikes

Sorry, no posts found.

Eastern Coast pedal boat

Sorry, no posts found.

Eastern Coast Restaurant

Sorry, no posts found.

Eastern Coast Towed Buoy

Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Fishing Balagne

Sorry, no posts found.

Fishing Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Fishing Center Corsica

Sorry, no posts found.

Fishing Eastern Coast

Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Flyboard Balagne

Sorry, no posts found.

Flyboard Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Flyboard Center Corsica

Sorry, no posts found.

Flyboard East Coast

Sorry, no posts found.

Flying boat

Sorry, no posts found.

Flying Boat Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Flying Boat Center Corsica

Sorry, no posts found.

Flying Boat East Coast

Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Games Area

Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Ghisonnacia Abonnement

Sorry, no posts found.

Ghisonnacia Basique

Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Golf Balagne

Sorry, no posts found.

Golf Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Golf Center Corsica

Sorry, no posts found.

Golf East Coast

Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Hiking Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Hiking Center Corsica

Sorry, no posts found.

Horse riding

Sorry, no posts found.

Horse riding Balagne

Sorry, no posts found.

Horse riding Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Horse Riding Center Corsica

Sorry, no posts found.

Horseback Riding East Coast

Sorry, no posts found.

Île Rousse

Sorry, no posts found.

île Rousse Basique

Sorry, no posts found.

Jet ski rental

Sorry, no posts found.

Jet ski rental Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Jet ski rental Corsica Center

Sorry, no posts found.

Jet ski rental Orient Coast

Sorry, no posts found.

Jet-ski rental

Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Kayak Balagne

Sorry, no posts found.

Kayak Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Kayak Center Corsica

Sorry, no posts found.

Kayaking Eastern Coast

Sorry, no posts found.

Location de jet-ski Côte Orientale Abonnement

Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Moriani & Bravona

Sorry, no posts found.

Moriani Plage Abonnement

Sorry, no posts found.

Moriani Plage Basique

Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Mountain bike / Electric bike

Sorry, no posts found.

Mountain Bike / Electric Bike Balagne

Sorry, no posts found.

Mountain bike / Electric bike Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Mountain Bike / Electric Bike Center Corsica

Sorry, no posts found.

Mountain Biking / Electric Bike Oriental Coast

Sorry, no posts found.

Museums / Prehistoric-archaeological sites

Sorry, no posts found.

Museums / Sites

Sorry, no posts found.

Museums / Sites Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Museums / Sites Center Corsica

Sorry, no posts found.

Museums / Sites Eastern Coast

Sorry, no posts found.

Oriental Coast Playground

Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Paddle Balagne

Sorry, no posts found.

Paddle Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Paddle Center Corsica

Sorry, no posts found.

Paddle East Coast

Sorry, no posts found.

Parachute ascensionnel

Sorry, no posts found.

Parachute jump

Sorry, no posts found.

Parachute jump Balagne

Sorry, no posts found.

Parachute jump Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Parachute jump Center Corsica

Sorry, no posts found.

Parachute jump East Coast

Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Paragliding Balagne

Sorry, no posts found.

Paragliding Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Paragliding Center Corsica

Sorry, no posts found.

Paragliding East Coast

Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Pedalo Center Corsica

Sorry, no posts found.

Playground Center Corsica

Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Quad Balagne

Sorry, no posts found.

Quad Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Quad Center Corsica

Sorry, no posts found.

Quad Eastern Coast

Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Restaurant Balagne

Sorry, no posts found.

Restaurant Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Restaurant Center Corsica

Sorry, no posts found.

Saint Florent

Sorry, no posts found.

Saint Florent Abonnement

Sorry, no posts found.

Saint Florent Basique

Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Ski Hiking

Sorry, no posts found.

Ski Hiking Balagne

Sorry, no posts found.

Ski Hiking Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Ski Hiking Center Corsica

Sorry, no posts found.

Ski Hiking Eastern Coast

Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

The Eastern Coast

Sorry, no posts found.

Tourist Flight / ULM

Sorry, no posts found.

Towed Buoy

Sorry, no posts found.

Towed Buoy Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Towed buoy Center Corsica

Sorry, no posts found.

Towed Buoy Eastern Coast Subscription

Sorry, no posts found.

Tree climbing

Sorry, no posts found.

Tree climbing center Corsica

Sorry, no posts found.

Treetop adventure course Eastern Coast

Sorry, no posts found.

Treetop climbing Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

ULM sightseeing flight

Sorry, no posts found.

ULM sightseeing flight Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

ULM sightseeing flight Corsica Center

Sorry, no posts found.

ULM tourist flight Balagne

Sorry, no posts found.

ULM tourist flight Oriental Coast

Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Via Ferrata

Sorry, no posts found.

Via Ferrata

Sorry, no posts found.

Via Ferrata Balagne

Sorry, no posts found.

Via Ferrata Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Via Ferrata Center Corsica

Sorry, no posts found.

Via Ferrata Eastern Coast

Sorry, no posts found.


Sorry, no posts found.

Wakeboard Balagne

Sorry, no posts found.

Wakeboard Bastia / Cap Corse

Sorry, no posts found.

Wakeboard Center Corsica

Sorry, no posts found.

Wakeboard Eastern Coast

Sorry, no posts found.

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« CorsicaCampings »

Corsica Campings, the first Corsican chain of certified campsite-bungalows, offers you the opportunity to discover Corsica in complete freedom by bringing together 14 establishments spread across the entire island, from Cap Corse to southern Corsica: Bastia, Calvi, Corte, Porto , Ajaccio, Porto-vecchio, Bonifacio…

Upper Corsica

“Upper Corsica”

Haute-Corse is a French department formed from the cismontane part of the island of Corsica. It was part of the territorial collectivity of Corsica. Its official code is 2B, even if La Poste still uses the historic number 20 for the whole of Corsica. Its prefecture is Bastia.

By : October 22nd, 2020 Campsites 0 Comments

Haute-Corse campsites

Discover the campsites of Haute-Corse !

Book your stay

Campsites for Northern Corsica by the sea

Campsites for Haute-Corse

With Corsica Campings – Discover Haute-Corsica in a seaside camping formula !

For your next vacation by the sea, it’s decided… You have chosen to head towards Northern Corsica on the beach side, a very good choice for spending real moments of relaxation with your family under the parasol. Between heavenly landscapes, green mountains, you will enjoy very close access to fine sandy beaches and turquoise-colored seas. Northern Corsica, also called Haute-Corse, will appeal to you so much… Many French people who discovered Corsica late say that it is undoubtedly the most beautiful corner of France !

Haute-Corse, from Cap Corse to the Eastern Coast

Among the most fascinating facets of the Isle of Beauty, we find Haute-Corse. It is a region with a lower human density than Southern Corsica. As a result, it is a preferred destination, particularly in terms of seaside camping. For an invigorating holiday bathed in the Corsican sun, deckchair and sandcastle version, from Cap Corse to the Eastern Coast, St Florent, Moriani Plage, Ghisonaccia, book your campsite with direct access to the sea!

Camping Haute-Corse: with your feet in the water

Corsica has more than 1000km of coastline, ranging from fine sandy beaches to the pebbles of Cap Corse. By choosing your Northern Corsica campsite by the sea, you will enjoy all the beauty of the landscapes: fine sandy beaches and gently sloping crystal clear waters, Corsican villages high up in valleys sheltering rivers, trails towards wild coves. In addition to swimming, you will have the opportunity to live unforgettable experiences during leisure activities such as scuba diving to explore the richness of the seabed, go on a jet-ski, discover towed buoys, rent a boat for a sea trip…

On the Eastern Coast with its warm, fresh waters, families and water sports enthusiasts will love Moriani Plage, the festive town of the Costa Verde with its 17 km of beach!

In the heavenly setting of Agriates, the beaches of Roya, Saleccia or Ostriconi beach, the starting point for the Douaniers trail are beaches that will invite you towards the blue of the sea, the golden sand between vegetation typical Mediterranean made of pines, olive trees or holm oaks.

Book your campsite in Northern Corsica by the sea !

Camping Moriani & Bravone.
By : September 9th, 2020 Campsites, Campsites Upper Corsica, Moriani & Bravona 0 Comments

Camping Moriani and Bravona

Find your Moriani and Bravona campsite

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Our selection of campsites for the Moriani / Bravone region

Haute Corse campsites

For a camping holiday in Corsica by the sea

Choosing to go on a camping holiday in Corsica by the sea is always popular with tourists from all over the world. Invite yourself with your family to the beautiful seaside resort of Moriani Plage, also known as Padulella in the town of San Nicolao in Upper Corsica.

Moriani Plage Costa Verde located between the south-east of Corsica and Bastia is one of the longest beaches on the Isle of Beauty with its 17 km of white sand running along nearly 23 towns. Porto-Vecchio and Ghisonaccia are located respectively 102 and 46 km south of Moriani-Plage.

Moriani beach is a charming seaside resort rich in tourist attractions and leisure activities located on the island of Corsica.

What to do, what to see in Moriani Plage, a festive town on the Costa Verde?

For your camping holiday in Corsica by the sea, Moriani Plage and its surroundings will only seduce you. Moriani Beach near the Bravona (small French coastal river which flows in Upper Corsica and flows into the Tyrrhenian Sea.) is already popular for its beauty, its gentle slopes and its turquoise waters but also for all the leisure activities and attractions that she suggests. Indulge in water activities such as windsurfing, wake boarding or even catamaran sailing or explore the beach on a Corsi quad. The latter will take you to discover the fabulous landscapes of Corsica.

On the nature side, the region also invites you to beautiful hikes between Cargèse and Moriani Plage, the small Bravona river between Bastia and Porte Vecchio. It is the starting point of a “mare to mare” hiking trail linking the western and eastern sides of Corsica. You will enjoy beautiful walks in preserved green landscapes in Cargèse. You will also have access to hiking trails in the Castagniccia region.

In terms of heritage, history and culture, admire with delight the monuments such as the Genoese bridge, the typical stone houses dating back several centuries or the ruin of the Moriani tower.

Discover the Genoese and Roman heritage and the surrounding villages of Moriani Plage. To do this, simply rent a residence there or reserve a place in one of our campsites by the sea.

For your getaways in Upper Corsica, we can only advise you during your stay at Moriani Plage campsite to visit Saint-Florent, its marina and its historic center and the heavenly beaches of Bastia, both located approximately 50 km north of Moriani.

Opt for a Holiday at Camping Moriani

Moriani camping holidays are a choice always popular with tourists of the whole world. Come with your family to the magnificent seaside resort of Moriani Plage, also known as Padulella, located in the locality of San Nicolao in Upper Corsica.


With our spacious pitches for tents, caravans and motorhomes, as well as our comfortable mobile homes, you are spoiled for choice for your accommodation.

Escape to the Mediterranean: Moriani is waiting for you !


Located on the east coast of Corsica, Moriani Plage Costa Verde stretches over an impressive 17 kilometers of pristine white sand. This extent of beach runs along nearly 23 charming Corsican towns, creating a landscape coastal beauty of breathtaking beauty. This prime destination is halfway between the southeast of the Corsica and Bastia, providing easy access to the natural and cultural treasures of the region.

Seaside Holidays at Moriani Plage

Moriani Plage, located between Porto-Vecchio and Ghisonaccia, is a seaside resort enchanting who embodies the quintessence of Corsican island beauty. You will discover a unique blend of sandy beaches, lush forests and culture authentic. The Leisure activities abound here, with opportunities for hiking, water sports, exploring local cuisine, and much more.

Moriani is much more than just a beach, it is an invitation to escape. Whether you wish relax in the sun, explore the coastal paths, or immerse yourself in Corsican culture, this destination offers everything you need for a memorable vacation in Mediterranean. Moriani awaits you for a memorable experience in the heart of Corsica.

Nautical Adventures

If you are a fan of water activities, Moriani Plage will delight you. Try it windsurfing, wakeboarding, or even catamaran for a dose of adrenaline. You can also go on an adventure on a Corsi quad to explore the fabulous landscapes of Corsica from the beach.

Hiking in the Wild

Nature lovers will be delighted by the hiking possibilities in the surroundings of Moriani Plage. Leave walk between Cargèse and Moriani Plage, follow the banks of the Bravona river between Bastia and Porto Vecchio, or take the hiking trail “mare a mare” which connects the western and eastern coast of Corsica. You will discover preserved green landscapes in the Cargèse region and find hiking trails in the Castagniccia region.

Cultural and Historical Heritage

Moriani Plage is also steeped in history and culture. Explore monuments such as the Genoese bridge, typical stone houses dating back several centuries, or the ruin of the Moriani Tower. Immerse yourself in the Genoese and Roman heritage and discover the villages surroundings. To fully live this experience, reserve a place in one of our seaside campsites.

Nearby Excursions

Enjoy your stay in Camping Moriani to visit the neighboring treasures. Explore Saint-Florent, its marina and historic center, or relax on the heavenly beaches of Bastia, located about 50 km north of Moriani.

Moriani Plage offers a diversity of activities and discoveries for all tastes, promising an unforgettable vacation in Corsica.

Our Moriani campsite accommodation

In our Moriani campsite, we offer you a variety of accommodation to meet your preferences and needs. If you are a If you love traditional camping, we provide you with spacious pitches for tents, caravans and motorhomes.

These outdoor locations allow you to enjoy nature surrounding area while benefiting from the amenities of our Moriani campsite. You will be able to relax under the starry skies of Corsica, while having access to modern facilities such as water points, well-maintained toilets and picnic areas.

For those who prefer a more comfortable stay, our mobile homes modern are the ideal solution. These accommodations are equipped with everything necessary for successful vacation, ranging from fully equipped kitchen to air conditioning. You can relax on your private terrace while admiring the surrounding landscapes.

Whatever your choice, our Moriani campsite is the perfect place for a holiday with family or friends or as a couple, allowing you to enjoy the natural beauty of Corsica with all the comfort you need.

Book your holiday at Moriani campsite now

Nestled on the magnificent Corsican coast, our Moriani campsite offers you an idyllic setting for moments of relaxation and outdoor adventure. To make your stay even more attractive, we offer you promotional weeks. Take advantage of special offers that will allow you to save on your getaway to Corsica.

Whether you are a water sports enthusiast, a passionate hiker or simply looking for peace and quiet, Moriani offers something for everyone. Explore the natural beauty of the region, immerse yourself in the crystal clear waters of the Mediterranean, or discover the cultural treasures of Haute-Corse.

Book now your vacation at Moriani campsite. Our friendly team is waiting to offer you a unique experience on this Island beauty.

By : July 6th, 2020 Campsites 0 Comments

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Campsites for Northern Corsica

Campsites for Haute-Corse

With Corsica Campings – Discover Haute-Corse in a camping formula !

For your next family vacation, it’s decided… You have chosen to head towards Northern Corsica, a very good choice to discover the Isle of Beauty, which bears its name so aptly. Between heavenly landscapes, green mountains, fine sandy beaches and turquoise-colored sea, typical fishing ports and medieval villages, Northern Corsica also called Haute-Corse will seduce you so much… Many French people who discovered Corsica late say, it is undoubtedly the most beautiful corner of France !

Haute-Corse, a privileged destination, a preserved land

Among the most fascinating facets of the Isle of Beauty, we find Haute-Corse. It is a region with a lower human density than Southern Corsica. As a result, it is a preferred destination, particularly for camping options. With its main towns like Bastia, Calvi, Corte and Ile Rousse, Northern Corsica is a territory with natural and green spaces without massive influxes of tourists. The guarantee of a stay rich in discoveries in complete serenity.

Camping Haute-Corse: indulge in different activities with your family

Take a breath of fresh air and discover the Scandola nature reserve, with its exceptional biodiversity, managed by the Corsica Regional Natural Park and listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Walk, swim, go tree climbing, horseback riding, canyoning… in the Vizzavona Forest at the Cascade des Anglais located a few minutes from the village of Bocognano, in Central Corsica.

By climbing the Vizzavona pass (3 kilometers south of the village), you will find yourself at the junction of the two Corsican departments: Southern Corsica and Northern Corsica. Vizzavona is also a village well known by all GR20 hikers.

Discover our hiking trails: mountain in the heart of the Mediterranean, Corsica is the dream place for hikers with its numerous peaks over 2,000 meters. While spending holidays in our campsites on the Mediterranean island of Corsica, let yourself be seduced by the varied landscapes of this territory which has a natural park classified with the famous GR20.

Getaways in the Corsican maquis: Getting around in Northern Corsica

For your getaways in the hinterland (the Corsican maquis), car rental is a good option to get you more easily from your campsite to the places in Corsica where so many natural wonders are hidden.

With “Location Voiture Corse”, the partner of Camping Merendella, enjoy the best advantages in car rental in Haute-Corse.

Discover Haute-Corse through our campsites

With a choice of all Haute-Corse destinations, from Bastia, Cap Corse, St Florent, Calvi to Ile Rousse, Moriani Plage and Corte, thanks to Corsica Camping, you will enjoy an exceptional, comfortable holiday with your family. These are true corners of paradise in Northern Corsica, with suitable settings and green spaces that will meet all your desires and needs.

Top-of-the-range campsites with a choice of holiday packages

Camping Corsica offers a range of starred campsites with swimming pool and water park by the sea, private beaches with 80 to 185 spacious pitches. Each pitch is demarcated and shaded for tents, caravans, motorhomes. You will appreciate their locations in our beautiful Haute-Corse region. Our campsites are close to beaches, the city center and leisure areas. They offer you unique services in terms of equipment, leisure activities and entertainment organized for all ages, catering services, grocery store, bar, etc.

–> For holidays with wellness and sports packages in Haute-Corse campsites, discover our site

Aquasport, aquababy, canoe kayak


Camping Haute-Corse: special facilities

Most of our Haute-Corse campsites have special facilities (see campsite theme on each campsite sheet). Ideal for making the best choice according to your desires for a successful stay in Northern Corsica with a camping formula !


  • For everyone’s mobility, some of our campsites offer facilities for disabled people or people with reduced mobility (adapted toilet facilities)
  • For a green holiday, follow the “ecological camping” theme which respects the latest standards in terms of respect for the environment.
  • To thrill and have fun, book your campsite organizing musical events and outdoor night shows.
  • To spend a vacation with your pet, choose our pet-friendly campsites.

For Corsican camping stays at a very low price

Our partner Promo Camping Corse offers you exceptional promotions at unbeatable prices throughout the year. To discover only from our partner, holidays in Corsica at low prices, last minute stays in Corsica, promotional weeks for unforgettable holidays on the island of beauty